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Blogbeiträge zum Thema Wall Decor

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags DIY: Unique poster art with embroidery

DIY: Unique poster art with embroidery

Sponsored by Desenio – discount code at the end of post Poster stores are a great way to get affordable (and adorable) art for your home. However, I always feel uncomfortable with the fact that many people’s home or at least wall art looks just...

DiyHomeInteriorEmbroideryWall Decor
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Felt vegetables and embroidery wall decor

Felt vegetables and embroidery wall decor

In terms of creative it’s great that it’s fall. Now that I stay more time indoors, I’m also more motivated to craft again. That’s especially a good thing since I have a few projects for clients that I’m working on. These felt vegetables and e...

UncategorizedDIYembroideryfeltsponsored post
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Taxidermy flower display

Taxidermy flower display

Looking for a creative way to display flowers indoors? This taxidermy flower display with free printable is your answer. Make it today. See here how!

decorationDIYhomeLifestylingdisplayflowertaxidermywall decor
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Map-themed wall decor.

Map-themed wall decor.

Today I have something special for you: a guest post from Selina from [es.kaa.]makes. I met her online a year ago when she wanted my feedback on her about-to-start blog. Since then we’ve been in regular contact but because she lives in South Africa ...

UncategorizedDIYeasyguest postmapspaperupcyclingwall decor
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Happy easter paper wall decor.

Happy easter paper wall decor.

I hate blank walls. They make fun of my creativity. At least that’s the feeling I get. They’ve never had the courage to tell it to my face. So naturally I try to come up with ideas to make (temporary) wall installations. Temporary because I like d...

decorationDIYhomeeasterhome decorationpaperwall decor
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Knitting jenny name wall decor

Knitting jenny name wall decor

Did you ever craft with a knitting jenny? Its such a great way to use dead time and with this knitting jenny wall decor DIY you have the perfect excuse.

decorationDIYeasykids friendlyknitting jennyprojectwall decorwool
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags DIY string art wall decor.

DIY string art wall decor.

Make a typography inspired DIY string art sign with just any word you like. I chose the german word for tranquility to remind me to take a breath, read a good book and relax.

DIYstring artthreadwall decor